We believe a holistic approach to care and commitment to patient outcomes and equity leads to innovative care models, predictive strategies, and personalized treatments.
Join us on the mission of bringing about seismic shifts in care where improved clinical results, heightened efficiency, and extending individual care to the well-being of communities will transform lives in extraordinary ways.
As an evolution of Azra Care, we are dedicated to unearthing profound insights and pioneering new frontiers in healthcare through the power of artificial intelligence.
Value-Based Specialty Care Enablement for Health Systems & Payors
Carefully Created and Fine-Tuned by Renowned Orthopedic Surgeons, Other Specialty Medical Doctors, and Technology Experts
An Intelligent LLM and Care Orchestration Engine Enhancing Patient Care via Intelligent Automation
Through conversational AI and easy-to access text message-based care programs,
we offer personalized, accessible care for osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, fragility fractures, and how back pain.
AI-Powered Triage and Documentation Assistant Revolutionizing Provider Workflow
Backed by Our Proprietary Clinician Validated LLM
Reduce call volume, streamline inbox management, and enhance patient care
through intelligent automation and a dynamic triage system.
RevelAi platform facilitates the transition from fee-for-service
to value-based care, while achieving transformative outcomes for all patients.
Empowering Holistic Approach to Care
Our Approach Optimizes Patient-Reported Outcomes,
Drives Adherence, Reduces Emergency Visits and Readmissions, and Ensures Comprehensive Social Needs Support.
Overcoming Physician Burnout with Enhanced Workflow
Our Platform Reduces Clinical Workflow Overload,
Empowering Clinicians to Dedicate More Time To Patient Care, All While Addressing Healthcare Staffing Shortages.
Results - Driven, Equity-Focused
Utilizing Our Blend of Technological Innovation and Clinical
Expertise, We Assist Our partners in Achieving
CMS Compliance and Maximizing ROI,
All While Enhancing Access to Care.
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Our SMS-Based Patient Communications
Alleviate Barriers to Access To Care for Underserved Patients,
While Our Platform’s Social Needs Screenings and Close-Loop Referrals
Streamline and Connect The Resources Based on The Patient’s Location.
Together, We Can Create Health Equity in Specialty Care,
Through Blending Advanced AI Analytics and Parallel Care Strategies
to Effectively Manage Population Health and Bend the Cost Curve.
© 2024 RevelAi Inc. All rights reserved.